InnovaCeption: Think like a Creator
or how to regain personal meaning through innovation and creativity without burnout?
How is it that, over time, we become less productive and efficient in the way we work and create? Why do we feel that we are becoming robots, performing our tasks mechanically and almost automatically?
When did we start pursuing goals that look great on paper but have nothing to do with our real needs and dreams?
Existing as an exhausted, joyless and colourless version of your personality is not, I believe, a meaningful way to live. My mission is to help people empower themselves and take back control of their choices through greater awareness and wholeness of their experiences. A sense of personal meaning and purpose comes with the ability to be creative and innovative, and that makes us feel useful and valuable.
Be the creator of your jpurney and transform your thinking and decision-making processes to experience the pleasure of freedom, ease and flight of thought again! Take a deep dive into innovative creative burnout prevention by enrolling in the InnovaCeption Transformational Programme (click here and follow instructions).
Transform your thinking and decision-making processes and experience the pleasure of personal freedom, cognitive ease and emotional comfort!
Adapt to changes with cognitive ease & emotional balance
Change is our most natural state and openness to the new and unknown is one of the most adaptive human skill, both personally and in business. When we take a step forward in life and/or career , we are sometimes confronted with our chaotic emotions, difficult thoughts, self-harming habits, negative judgements of others and personal fears.
We are on autopilot, not making the changes we want and not thinking about the future. We remain somewhat unfocused, slow, inconsistent and confused. We feel unreal, as if we are not living our lives and our activities have no meaning.
Losing our sense of self is like stopping breathing for a long time and being left powerless, empty and lonely.
Losing sight of ourselves and our work is sometimes the price we pay to start again and reconnect with ourselves. We don’t always know where we are, who we are and where we need to start changing. Sometimes that moment lasts forever, monotonously and deafeningly ordering our days. A sense of haunting emptiness and chaos takes over our thoughts and we become permanently incapacitated and unproductive.
Are we ready to try again to sort out our inner world? Do we know what we can achieve with ourselves in 10 sessions of structured work?
How modern business psychology can help you with your creativity & productivity?
For the past 15 years I have been helping people at crossroads to reinvent themselves through their ideas, thoughts, feelings, habits, goals and desires. Reconnecting with our authentic thinking makes us feel active, productive and energised. Building an authentic brand makes us creative, innovative and action-oriented. And being able to plan goals and strategies increases our effectiveness as people without burnout. For each of these aspects, modern applied business psychology has developed tools, methods, processes and techniques to help us reduce the negative effects and increase the positive outcomes of human behaviour.
InnovaCeption is an empowering method that helps you understand how to find fulfilment and a path in life and business based on your personality type, personal values and vision for the future. For me, the most exciting way to develop is through personality-based transformation through creativity and innovation, because these choices bring a deep sense of personal meaning, freedom, independence, autonomy, creativity and innovation. In addition, being able to make changes usually connects you with other significant people who share the same level of understanding, values and goals.
People have great ideas, but over time they lose momentum and discipline because they think in ways that limit them, and lack clarity and certainty about where to go.
The sustainable change requires a specific purpose, strategy and context. It is a process that requires patience and a new way of thinking. Chaotic steps lead to results that often don’t satisfy us. We feel that we have failed, and we begin to think that there is no point in trying anymore. I know there are other options for you!
What affects negatively our creativyty & innovativeness?
There are certain personality traits & behaviours that negatively impact our ability to create and innovate:
- Lack of curiosity;
- Rigidity;
- Inertia;
- Anxiety;
- Fear of failure and the judgement of others;
- Fear of the unknown and new;
- Feelings of loss of control and powerlessness;
- Lack of self-awareness;
- Inability to set goals and plan;
- Lack of activity and agency;
- Lack of proper habits and discipline;
- Dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs;
- Social isolation and lack of support;
- High personal perspective bias.

What are to TOP 10 skills, that will help you stay productive whithout burning out?
- To say “NO” without anger, fear, guilt or shame;
- To tolerate the new and the unknown;
- To start again and again without losing faith in yourself;
- To move forward without fear or disappointment;
- To keep our composure in difficult moments;
- Stay connected to others through values and sharing;
- Staying cool and calm with your personality;
- Making informed decisions without hesitation or freezing;
- Doing the things we don’t like in the here and now with ease;
- Not losing the meaning of our existence and work in difficult moments;

Do what you love again with InnovaCeption
InnovaCeption is a model for personal transformation through innovation and creativity that moves us smoothly and purposefully through 7 stages of personal transformation to restore our productivity, energy and resilience. It only takes 7-10 weeks to learn to think differently about ourselves and to change our mindset towards creative-innovative creation. The rest is practice and self-discipline to maintain high levels of personal productivity and active choice.
Being useful to someone else with your skills and knowledge is a really profound way of believing in yourself again and feeling connected to others.
I would like to believe that there is a magic wand that can take away people’s pain, tiredness, frustration and fear. But I haven’t found that magic yet. However, there are principles from applied psychology that can help us to transform more easily, more collaboratively and with a sense of being comfortable in our own skin.
As a performance psychologist, I am committed to inventing methods, tools and systems to improve people, teams and organisations. This approach is highly personalised care for the human factor in business and requires commitment, (self-)empathy and altruism. Going through difficulties alone is a personal choice, isn’t it?
You are invaluable and your potential is to create
One cannot fully monitor one’s own mind. That’s why various psychological tools and techniques come to the rescue, acting as a mirror – to see ourselves as we really see ourselves. And this is where I find real inspiration for change – we can rearrange our inner world so that we can observe the manifestations of this new harmony in our physical world as well.
We can learn to create and express our ideas and concepts freely. We can even bring them to life by turning them into our careers, tangible or digital products. If we don’t know how we think and what stops us, we can’t analyze, set goals, prioritize, innovate, and create things of value.
What key skills will we work on?
- Self-reflection and self-monitoring skills;
- Focusing on your own personality and setting healthy boundaries;
- Dealing with difficult inner states and managing stress;
- Mindfulness, awareness and grounding in the ‘here and now’;
- Emotional self-management and connecting with bodily cues;
- Dealing with expectations, judgements and external pressures from self and others;
- Dealing with difficult emotions, thoughts and habits;
- Goal setting and confidence in personal worth;
- Improving personal effectiveness and efficiency;
- Strategic planning, goal setting and resource building
- Increase overall self-esteem.
- Achieving an extraordinary sense of self.
What we can change for you together?
Do you know how to take the next step without losing your direction, motivation and desire for change again? Do you need clarity, structure and consistency? Is it important to feel an internal logic and meaning from your efforts and actions?
Here’s how InnovaCeption will help with you for your transformation:
- You’ll complete a specially designed questionnaire to get to know you and understand where you are;
- We’ll articulate a clear vision of where you want to go;
- Each week we will look at a different aspect of your change process to create innovation;
- Each day you will have a personal coaching session to work independently and with a personal plan
- feedback on each exercise at the end of the week;
- We will hold online meetings according to your plan to discover new perspectives together;
- We’ll go through the whole process of innovative-creative transformation in the context of a goal that is important to you;
- We’ll talk about the obstacles that sabotage you through the lens of specificity and personal value;
- We’ll find meaning and value in being creative and innovative in the way we want to be.
Not sure if you are in need of professional help?
Assess how you feel you are managing your stress and how productive and effective you feel you are. Seek professional help if you find that you don’t want to deal with this stage of your life alone. You are important and your struggles matter!
Use my free Online Internal States Self-Assessment Scale to review your subjective perceived levels of stress here:
It’s easy to get started – apply now!
Personalise your learning with self-paced work and online support. Apply directly to the InnovaCeption programme here. You can also take advantage of deferred payment options and discounts to get you started.